The second BATMASS workshop titled “BATMASS – How to Implement Circularity Principles in the Battery Sector” will take place next Wednesday 16th October at 11:00 a.m. (CEST) in the Cazorla room, inside the MMH facilities (Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones, Seville).
The event will begin with a networking coffee at 11:00 a.m. offering an opportunity for interaction between attendees and project partners from BATMASS.
The session will then continue with a presentation of the BATMASS project by Marcello Colledani, Project Coordinator and Professor at Politecnico di Milano. Eugenio Domínguez, Vice President of AEPIBAL (Spanish Association for Batteries and Energy Storage Companies), and Joaquín Villar from the Andalusian Energy Agency will also participate as invited speakers.
Following this, there will be a co-creation exercise led by CTA, where the Circular Battery Valley (CBV) concept will be introduced by Pierre Padilla from N-ABLE, along with a practical discussion on the needs, success factors, and actions necessary to promote the CBV. Main aim of this exercise is to gather the feedback from the attendees regarding these topics so as to further shape the CBV and its action plan.
The BATMASS project aims to implement the first EU Circular Battery Valley. To do so, BATMASS will mobilise a fully comprehensive inter-regional ecosystem around 4 demonstrators aimed at scaling up, commercialising and deploying innovative green technologies. It harnesses the innovation power of RTOs and SMEs to accelerate market entry and international replication in EU regions and beyond.
To access the room where the workshop will take place, it is necessary to have a ticket for the MMH exhibition area. For attendees who do not have one, CTA can provide a invitation valid for the whole day of the event.
If you would like to participate, please click here to register.
The agenda of the event is as follows:
16th October 2024, MMH location, Cazorla room
11:00 – 11:30 | Networking coffee (incl. roll-up with mapping QR)
11.30 – 11:35 | Welcome – CTA
11:35 – 11:45 | Introduction: the BATMASS project – Prof. Marcello Colledani, Politecnico di Milano & BATMASS project coordinator
11:45 – 12:00 | Eugenio Domínguez, Vicepresident of AEPIBAL – Asociación Empresarial de Pilas, Baterías y Almacenamiento Energético (Spanish Association for Batteries and Energy Storage Companies)
12:00 – 12:10 | S3 Partnership on Advanced Material for Batteries – Joaquín Villar, AAE – Agencia Andaluza de la Energía (Andalusian Energy Agency)
12:10 – 13:10 | Interactive workshop: co-creating the Circular Battery Valley (CBV)
- Introducing the CBV initial ideas (Pierre Padilla, N-ABLE), 10 min
- Co-creation exercise (guided by CTA): focused on NEEDS, SUCCESS FACTORS and PROMOTIONAL ACTIONS related to CBV
- Summary of main findings and ideas (CTA), 10 min
13:10 – 13:15 | Wrap-up and farewell – CTA